Stage 4 – You are in unrelenting pain all the time, good days are few and far between. You are calling into work sick more than you even make it in. You are in bed a good portion of your day. When you do have a good day you take advantage of it, and do as much as you can, all the things you have left in the past weeks you cram into your day, knowing well that tomorrow you will be paying for it. Your flares last for days. By this time your friends make plans without you, they already know your excuses and are nearly certain you will not be able to join in. Your family begins to think you are using fibromyalgia as an excuse to not do things, because stages 1-3 you were able to do much of what you just can’t do now. They think you are using your illness as an excuse, you feel alone, isolated, worried, emotional, sad. This stage can last years.